Sad Day

A sad day indeed.
Today I learned that both Brisbane (above) and Sydney (top, the black lab) were put to sleep on Saturday. They were early on clients, and incredible dogs (from the same family.)
Sydney had cancer and was fighting it for awhile. Brisbane, the older of the two, had recently gone blind and deaf, and then developed a very bad vertigo problem, causing her to walk in circles constantly and bump into things. I loved those dogs. They will surely be missed.
I will always remember how excited Syd was when I'd arrive to walk them. She would jump up and down, what I called her "flying lessons." Bris would bark like crazy, which would annoy Syd, and she'd go over and ever-so-gently bite Bris on her throat to get her to be quiet! On the walk, Bris's ears took various postions thatwould remind me of the flaps on an airplane.
Another thing I will remember about them is how much Syd loved to chase squirrels. One time, she saw one, and took a flying leap towards it, only to hit the end of her leash and land on her side, on the ground. I couldn't stop laughing!
I also loved leaving thier house. For awhile, the dogs had free reign in the house (in later days they were confined to the kitchen and TV room). When I would leave, Syd would perch herself up on the sofa, watching me out the window. It made me feel especially loved.
RIP, Bris and Syd. I will always love you both and remember you fondly! Until we meet again!
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