Pet Psychic

Aunt Sue. My angel. She died in Feburary, and I miss her more than words can express. She was my best friend since she came into my life in 1991.
Last night I had a consultation with a pet psychic that was referred to my by my pet sitter. (Yes, even pet sitters have pet sitters on occasion!) I am a little bit wary of this kind of thing, but this woman was amazing.
After she contacted Aunt Sue, she told me that The Sue told her "I'm the best cat!" She was. She was more than the best cat. She was an incredible cat.
Later in the reading, Aunt Sue wanted to make sure I knew that she made it to 20. She said that was important to me. It was. I always wanted Aunt Sue to live to be 20. I thought she was 17 when she died. When I obtained the Sue, she was an adult cat already. The local shelter felt she was a year or two old. I wanted to believe she was a year old, as it would give her more time with me. She was just a small cat, filling out and growing even after I brought her home. I mentioned this to the psychic, who insists Aunt Sue was 20...that she was just a small cat for a long time.
We also dicussed my current cats, Grumpy Angelo and Max. I won't bore you with all the details, but I will bore you with this story:
Grumpy is not an affectionate cat (neither is Max, for that matter). I asked the psychic to ask Grumpy to try to be a little more affectionate with me, as I really need that from him. He agreed he would give it a try.
After the reading, I was working on my computer. Grumpy walked passed me, as I sit at my desk typing away. Usually, he would run past me, but on this occasion, he walked slowly. I put my hand out for him to sniff, which he did, and he even allowed me to pet him! That in itself was rare. What happened next was short of a miracle. For the first time ever, he head-butted my hand. I knew he was trying to be a little more affectionate with me. Thank you Grumpy!
If you are interested in a really great pet psychic reading, I can highly recommend her. Her name is Ginny Palmieri.
Her website is:
Fees are $40 for a half hour phone reading, $75 for an hour.
Let me know how your reading went!
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