Typical day
Memoirs of the Dog Walker
Typical day, for a weekend in summer.
Up at 5:30 am., did my exercizes (90 sit ups, 45 leg lifts, 10 sets of 15 each butt lifts and one other leg exercise I don't know what to call.) Feed my cats, take my meds, and off to the dogs. And cats.
First stop, Peanut, an orange tabby in Pelham. Also in the household, a bird and two fishtanks. I had to change the mullet, ir is it millet? (Something like that.) That was a fiasco. I can't take the bird out of the cage because the wings aren't clipped, and I couldn't figure out how to get the damn m(u/i)llet in the damn m(u/i)llet holder. There i am trying to get both arms into a tiny opening to push the damn thing into it's holder. Mission accomplished and off to the next pet.
Two cats: Lexis and Malachi, in Yonkers. They have a turtle, too, which I checked on, but it wasn't feeding day for him. This job is a little difficult because there is no parking, so I have to park illegally, and hope I don't get a ticket. So far, so good.
From there, I head off to Larchmont to a beautiful affluent community, to walk a portuguese water dog named Onyx. Great dog. And i love to walk dogs early in the morning on a weekend when the rest of the world is asleep. Also a two cat household, so it involves scooping poop and feeding the lot of "hungry monkeys," as i so affectionatly call them.
More coffee.
To the Bronx, for a cat (Sam) I didn't even see. I scooped the poop and fed the cat, and changed all the water dishes. Sam's human goes a little overboard. Water, water, everwhere, and about four different kinds of food. That is some spoiled cat!
Now to one of my favorite regular clients. (all the prior clients have been vacation clients.) Rigger, the old yellow lab. What a sweetheart. I wish I could give him a big ol' hug and kiss, but he is of the school of thought that girls have cooties. I keep telling him it's not the girls who have the cooties, but you can't teach an old dog new ideas. Or something like that.
Home for now, to practice my dance and play on the computer. then it's off to lunchtime rounds, which today is only Rigger and Onyx.
Being Sunday, i get my manicure and pedicure today, and dinner rounds tonight include Rigger, Onyx and Sam the Cat again.
And that, my dear, is a typical day in the life of a dog walker/pet sitter.

Memoirs of the Dog Walker
Typical day, for a weekend in summer.
Up at 5:30 am., did my exercizes (90 sit ups, 45 leg lifts, 10 sets of 15 each butt lifts and one other leg exercise I don't know what to call.) Feed my cats, take my meds, and off to the dogs. And cats.
First stop, Peanut, an orange tabby in Pelham. Also in the household, a bird and two fishtanks. I had to change the mullet, ir is it millet? (Something like that.) That was a fiasco. I can't take the bird out of the cage because the wings aren't clipped, and I couldn't figure out how to get the damn m(u/i)llet in the damn m(u/i)llet holder. There i am trying to get both arms into a tiny opening to push the damn thing into it's holder. Mission accomplished and off to the next pet.
Two cats: Lexis and Malachi, in Yonkers. They have a turtle, too, which I checked on, but it wasn't feeding day for him. This job is a little difficult because there is no parking, so I have to park illegally, and hope I don't get a ticket. So far, so good.
From there, I head off to Larchmont to a beautiful affluent community, to walk a portuguese water dog named Onyx. Great dog. And i love to walk dogs early in the morning on a weekend when the rest of the world is asleep. Also a two cat household, so it involves scooping poop and feeding the lot of "hungry monkeys," as i so affectionatly call them.
More coffee.
To the Bronx, for a cat (Sam) I didn't even see. I scooped the poop and fed the cat, and changed all the water dishes. Sam's human goes a little overboard. Water, water, everwhere, and about four different kinds of food. That is some spoiled cat!
Now to one of my favorite regular clients. (all the prior clients have been vacation clients.) Rigger, the old yellow lab. What a sweetheart. I wish I could give him a big ol' hug and kiss, but he is of the school of thought that girls have cooties. I keep telling him it's not the girls who have the cooties, but you can't teach an old dog new ideas. Or something like that.
Home for now, to practice my dance and play on the computer. then it's off to lunchtime rounds, which today is only Rigger and Onyx.
Being Sunday, i get my manicure and pedicure today, and dinner rounds tonight include Rigger, Onyx and Sam the Cat again.
And that, my dear, is a typical day in the life of a dog walker/pet sitter.
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