Memoirs of a Dog Walker

pet sitting 101. it's not as easy as it seems.

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Location: Suburbia, New York, United States

Dog Walking and Pet Sitting and dancing my way thru the day.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Not Always Quiet

It's been a quiet week, but it's not always this quiet.

Once I was walking "Dancing Kerry." She is a very excitable golden retriver. For awhile, she was on doggie tranqualizers. Last I heard, she was off them. I'll have to see if I notice a difference next time I walk her.

Dancing Kerry must have been a cat in a previous life. She has a knack for finding mice. One fall,while I was walking her, I noticed what appeared to be a stick near her mouth. I tried brushing it off, but it didn't budge. That's when I realized it was in her mouth. I tried to pull it out. As a did, a leg came with it. It was a decaying mouse! I screamed like a girl, with thoughts racing through my head about how ever I was going to get that dead mouse out of my sight, and more importatnly, out of the dog's mouth. Kerry's excitement grew with my scream, and she tossed the mouse up in the air and caught it again (very cat-like!). This caused me to shriek again, like some 14 year old girl. She tossed it again. Quickly, turning away from the mouse in flight, refocusing Kerry's attention onto me, we were able to flee the situation.
And that is just one reason why my hair is turning white.



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