The Things You Do For Love

Aug. 2, 2006. The Day i brought home George. She's a girl, you know, named after someone that was special to me, as well as another female cat named George.
She moved in with health problems, unbeknownst to me. But it was love at first sight, as she reminded me of the most incredible cat ever (only a tinier version), who passed away last Feb. Regardless of health issues, this little Georgie-girl is with me until death do us part. I hope that is a long time away.
George, whom I also call Mouse, because she is so small, suffers from Irratble Bowel Syndrom (IBS). Because of her soft stool, her colon is raw. Her anal glands fill up, and don't express themselves naturally. I am learning much more about cat butts than i ever wanted to know!
I allergy tested her. Perhaps foods she is allergic to is irrating her digestive tract. I have a list of five things to avoid, so she is on a special diet. I tried several rounds of antibiotics. I add slipper elm for healthy bowels to her food. I add two forms of digestive health aids. I add a little plain yogurt and a little apple cider vinegar to act as pro-biotics. I give her a dose of licorice in the evening to quiet her stomach. I have plug-in pheramones to help keep her calm. Today I am starting a round of another medication with cortizone in it, to see it that may help. The next step would be to try a raw diet, but I am hesitant about that, only because i don't like handeling raw meat. It reminds me too much of death.
I don't want to do too much all at once. I try something new, and we stick with it for awhile to see if there are any changes. Gradually, adding more.
I hope I can get her to a healthy state again. She is such a love! She is a lap cat, of the best kind. She sleep by my side, near my head, and every night, comes to cuddle and purr. Ever notice how relaxing a purr sounds?
Until we get her stools to a healthy consistancy, she will have to go to the vet monthly to have her anal glands expressed. She does not like that very much. Of all the cats I have had in my live, she is by far the smallest one (6 pounds), with the most dangerous personality at the vet's! They have to resort to the heavy suede gloves to handle her. She's a powerfil stick of dynomite, that Mouse!
Labels: Mouse
All things furry and orange >^..^<
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