A Cat Called Meat Ball

For the past few years, I have made calendars for my clients for the holidays. Above is the photo for December 2007. The theme is "Angels Watching Over Us." It depicts all the pets that have passed on in 2006.
Already this year I have four pets to add to next year's calendar in the month of "Angels...." Of course there is Napoleon. Aurora passed on earlier, but I did not learn of her death until after the holidays. Izmene the cat died just before the New Year. And now Ivy the cat has crossed over this past week.
I liked Ivy. (I like all my pets). Ivy was really fat, and I affectionately called her "Meat Ball." She was also a lap cat, and demanded alot of attention in that respect. When she looked for a lap, I would say "Here comes Meat Ball, looking for a plate of spaghetti." Once she was there, she demanded a neck rub, and if you didn't succumb to her wishes, she would ever-so-gently touch your face. Most of the time, her nails needed a clipping, so it wasn't something one enjoyed. Ivy always got her way.

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