My Greek God

Tucker. I love him. He has so much personality. For one thing, he is a ventriliquist. Not a very good one, but he tries. When he barks, he will bark to the left, and then to the right, and so on, alternating the directions of his bark. I developed a theory he does this in case an angry blind dog comes to attack him. By barking in different directions, he tries to convince the enemy that there is more than just him, so watch out! I am just not that sure there are all that many angry blind dogs in his neighborhood.
Tucker has a really curly coat on his head, which makes him look like one of the ancient greek statues of a naked man. He has really expressive eyes, and old man lips. His tail was bobbed way too short, so that it is non-exsistant. from his backside,, he looks like a kid with a heavy load in his diapers.
He is really a big chicken. He will be really curious with any people we might be walking behind, wanting to check them out, but the minute they put thier hand out to pet him, he will run away.
Occasionally, he will lie down in a sleeping position, and have a barking fit. It is almost as if he gets possessed. He is not barking at anything in particular. It's almost as if he is having a dream, while he is wide awake. His human calls it his "spanial rage," only i don't think it's a rage at all. But I love to see him have one of these "fits."
That's my Tucker, and I love him just the way he is!
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