From : Lucky
Because I Loves me some orange furry purry things:

Tova from FLORIDA writes: "...I was driving down a busy 6 lane road one afternoon this summer when I noticed something crossing the road in front me me, running in a rather strange pattern. I thought it was a leaf as it was tumbling, but then it looked more like an animal, a bunny, perhaps. But as my car quickly approached I noticed it was a very small kitten stumbling as it tried to reach the grass beside the road.
My car happened upon it just in time to see a little orange tabby kitten, approximately 8 weeks old, run under a bush on the side of the highway.
I put on my hazard lights, stopped the car in the road and went to rescue the kitten, which had obviously just been hit by a car.
Thankfully I had just been to the gym and had a sports bra under my shirt as I had to strip off my shirt right there on the side of the road to throw over the kitten (I was afraid I would startle him and he would run right back into the road since that's the direction he was facing).
I was able to scoop up the bleeding animal and bring it into my car.
I could smell something that smelled almost like sulphur, like road burn, and I could see the poor animals skull where the skin in his head was peeled back, one ear completely smashed and hanging down.
I had to drive 25 minutes to my vet with one hand while trying to hold the kitten with the other (who kept shaking his head and splattering blood - I was trying my best to hold the shirt over his head so he couldn't further damage himself).
I managed to use my cell phone to call the vet and alert them of the emergency I was bringing them.
The poor kitty had no collar, no microchip, was very bony, with fleas and intestinal parasites along with his traumatic head injuries -- but miraculously they could find nothing else wrong with him, but he obviously was homeless.
The kitten spent the better part of a month in the hospital, and was touch and go the first few days due to swelling in his brain causing what they thought would be permanent seizures. But, within 2 days he was showing miraculous signs of improvement and the vet decided to give him until the next morning for him to stop having seizures before being put down, and in that time the seizures completely disappeared.
He has had several surgeries in his short lifetime. Of course to stitch his head, most of his damaged ear had to be removed, but also additional surgeries to remove necrotic skin that was rotting on his little head.
During the most recent surgery it was discovered that a piece of the kittens skull is actually missing and there was a but of gray brain matter that had to be pushed back inside of his head and skin pulled over until the tissue could regrow and hold what should be inside back.
This is a photo of Lucky after one of his last surgeries (believe me this is the best he looked after any surgery!) and he has little stints that look like macaroni stitched in, as well, to act as a pressure reliever for his skin since there wasn't enough to cover his wound.
Today, Lucky is doing an amazing job of healing! The kitten who we were told would not be able to see, would always be "happy and slow", is not slow at all, in fact, he's the most feisty, playful little baby I know! And SWEET as they come!
At first he was unable to compensate for his injuries in play and would miss the intended target (balled up paper is his favorite toy) by about 6 inches to the right. However, his brain has compensated for his lack of eyesight in one eye and now he gets the mark every time (even if it's your nose).
He's almost healed and will be put up for adoption through a rescue called Beyond Nine in Broward County Florida, who incidentally have also paid for ALL of his medical bills after hearing about the incident.
I am currently fostering him until all of his medical visits are completed, and he was just given the "all clear" on follow ups the other day after about 2 months since the accident.
and the comments:
i love this kitty!
love love love.
if i lived in florida, i'd adopt him. if you could get him to NY , i'd adopt him.
Posted by: leslie | October 14, 2008 at 02:58 AM
Oh man, that is such a sweet story! :)
I'm always happy when people go out of their way to help animals in need. Thank you for sharing this awesome story, Chris and Tova! I'm going to pass it along on Myspace.
Posted by: Griffin | October 14, 2008 at 03:00 AM
I don't think Lucky will have any problem finding a home! Good job people.
Posted by: Jezebel | October 14, 2008 at 05:20 AM
An update to all who want to know...
As the person who found Lucky on the side of the road, I can tell you that his story and the medical issues he overcame go beyond that letter. And in the process, he touched so many hearts.
He went from a homeless, destined for death kitten that most people I spoke to admitted they would not have bothered to pick up, to a full recovery and his 15 minutes of internet fame on CWC AND a contestant in the Cute Down! Wow! There should be a Lifetime movie!
When I found Lucky I was unemployed, could not afford his care, but could not let him be put down. I authorized the care, knowing I couldn't afford it but feeling in my heart that somewhere out there, someone would help me save this little stray.
Within a few days, Beyond Nine Cat Rescue in Broward County, Florida answered my call of financial distress (I emailed every cat rescue in S Florida, and all denied me any assistance due to lack of their own funding with this exception). By the time they contacted me, they had already called Lucky's animal hospital and arranged to fund all of his medical bills, present and future.
I also want to thank them for their visits, for they, like myself, would go to the animal hospital and sit with Lucky for hours on end so he'd have more human contact and companionship as he struggled to recover during the worst of times.
Also, thanks to his vet, Dr. Questa, who spoiled him whenever she was on staff (although she still never baked him that chicken pot pie he requested... But that's another issue on which I will deal with her personally!) ;-)
Kittens are all awesome, I've had cats my entire life. But I have to tell you that Lucky truly, truly has an amazing personality. Maybe he's grateful, but he is one of the most loving, snuggly kittens I've ever known. He loves to give licky kisses and sleep curled up on your pillow. In person, you barely notice the cropped ear (which truly looks worse in photos) because you are overcome by his motorboat purrs and magnetic personality.
Everyone who meets Lucky in person falls in love.
Also, he has some of the most kissable "whisker holders" I've ever encountered!
And yes, he still loves to bat around balled up pieces of paper! Put away the feather on a stick and get this kitty a notebook!
I can't tell you how many tears were shed by my entire family when his medical treatment was completed and, after months of caring for him, it was time for Lucky to be fostered closer to his rescue an hour away.
I am told he is living with a foster family who has other kittens his age that he is able to play with, that he is very happy, and that he sleeps in the bed with their teenager.
If anyone truly is interested in learning more about Lucky or making a donation toward this amazing rescue who helped save his life, or even adoption information, surely you can look up Beyond Nine Cat Rescue in Broward County, Florida on the internet.
Thanks to everyone who cares about this really special little guy. I know CWC is a lot of joking around and often filled with sarcastic comments (which can be pretty funny, by the way), but the fact is, with the exception of a twisted few, we wouldn't be here if we didn't love animals.
Posted by: Tova in Florida | October 14, 2008 at 08:05 AM
Aww people like you Tova make the world a better place! So sweet, I'm surprised you can part with Lucky.
I loved the "aside from being skinny, flea and parasite infested with traumatic head injuries, there was nothing wrong with him". That sounds like saying of Ann Boleyn or someone, "aside from losing their head, they're absolutely fine".
Posted by: Sarah aka KB | October 14, 2008 at 08:12 AM
We had to part with Lucky because, for one, the rescue paid for all of his care it is at their discretion where he is placed.
Also, we have 4 other kittes. 2 older senior cats we've had for 12 years who adore one another, but hated Lucky.
Then two rescues we adopted as kittens at the end of last year who the older cats hate, but they adore each other.
That is, until Lucky showed up.
One of the newer kitties befriended Lucky, but the other was terrified and would even attack our other rescue - her former buddy - and would spend most of her days hissing and hiding... and peeing on my shoes.
When Lucky arrived, it caused so much stress that they were attacking one another and only recently, weeks after Lucky has left, have the younger rescues gotten close, again.
It was definitely difficult to see Lucky go, but we wanted what was best for all of the kitties involved.
Posted by: Tova in Florida | October 14, 2008 at 08:29 AM
Yeah for you! That is wonderful. I think Lucky's story is wonderful, thank you for sharing.
Posted by: Nova | October 14, 2008 at 10:17 AM
I was just informed by the rescue that Lucky was adopted by his foster family that could not give him up. :-) And one CWC reader was kind enough to contact them and offer to make a donation to them on his behalf. :-) How wonderful. Thank you.
Posted by: Tova in Florida | October 14, 2008 at 01:25 PM
What a lucky cat indeed! He is so lucky you were driving by that day! What a story!
Posted by: Cheryl | October 14, 2008 at 10:09 PM
Tova, you are AWESOME!! We totally need more people like you in this world.
Posted by: Sara | October 15, 2008 at 12:13 AM
Tova your a blessing to the animal kingdom, I truly believe that one day you will be rewarded. What you did for Lucky was amazing. Thank you for sharing this story with the cult you know we are all a bunch of softies when it comes to animals. Not just the cute factor, but we love and truly care about animals. They are funny,yes, but they are also gifts from God to be cared for and helped in times of need. Just glad Lucky was so lucky you found him.
Posted by: carrie | October 15, 2008 at 01:28 AM
What's weird is that I am never where I was that day... But here is what happened...
I had a session with a personal trainer at my gym who called me and rescheduled our appointment for later that day.
Then my hubby called and said he locked his keys in his car (meaning I had to drive 30 minutes) to where he worked to unlock his car...
In order to still be able to meet with the trainer, get the keys out of the car and pick up my kids at school on time there was only this little tiny time frame that I had to drive to his work. There was no time to spare. In fact, leaving the parking lot I didn't even wait for my husband, I called on my cell phone "door is unlocked... gotta go!"
And then, just down the road from his office, is where it happened.
So if both had not happened (rescheduling of trainer or keys locked in the car) exactly as they had at the time they had, I would not have been in that city to see that kitten and save it.
I believe that all of these things happened to put me in that very spot at that very time.
Posted by: Tova | October 15, 2008 at 02:02 PM

Tova from FLORIDA writes: "...I was driving down a busy 6 lane road one afternoon this summer when I noticed something crossing the road in front me me, running in a rather strange pattern. I thought it was a leaf as it was tumbling, but then it looked more like an animal, a bunny, perhaps. But as my car quickly approached I noticed it was a very small kitten stumbling as it tried to reach the grass beside the road.
My car happened upon it just in time to see a little orange tabby kitten, approximately 8 weeks old, run under a bush on the side of the highway.
I put on my hazard lights, stopped the car in the road and went to rescue the kitten, which had obviously just been hit by a car.
Thankfully I had just been to the gym and had a sports bra under my shirt as I had to strip off my shirt right there on the side of the road to throw over the kitten (I was afraid I would startle him and he would run right back into the road since that's the direction he was facing).
I was able to scoop up the bleeding animal and bring it into my car.
I could smell something that smelled almost like sulphur, like road burn, and I could see the poor animals skull where the skin in his head was peeled back, one ear completely smashed and hanging down.
I had to drive 25 minutes to my vet with one hand while trying to hold the kitten with the other (who kept shaking his head and splattering blood - I was trying my best to hold the shirt over his head so he couldn't further damage himself).
I managed to use my cell phone to call the vet and alert them of the emergency I was bringing them.
The poor kitty had no collar, no microchip, was very bony, with fleas and intestinal parasites along with his traumatic head injuries -- but miraculously they could find nothing else wrong with him, but he obviously was homeless.
The kitten spent the better part of a month in the hospital, and was touch and go the first few days due to swelling in his brain causing what they thought would be permanent seizures. But, within 2 days he was showing miraculous signs of improvement and the vet decided to give him until the next morning for him to stop having seizures before being put down, and in that time the seizures completely disappeared.
He has had several surgeries in his short lifetime. Of course to stitch his head, most of his damaged ear had to be removed, but also additional surgeries to remove necrotic skin that was rotting on his little head.
During the most recent surgery it was discovered that a piece of the kittens skull is actually missing and there was a but of gray brain matter that had to be pushed back inside of his head and skin pulled over until the tissue could regrow and hold what should be inside back.
This is a photo of Lucky after one of his last surgeries (believe me this is the best he looked after any surgery!) and he has little stints that look like macaroni stitched in, as well, to act as a pressure reliever for his skin since there wasn't enough to cover his wound.
Today, Lucky is doing an amazing job of healing! The kitten who we were told would not be able to see, would always be "happy and slow", is not slow at all, in fact, he's the most feisty, playful little baby I know! And SWEET as they come!
At first he was unable to compensate for his injuries in play and would miss the intended target (balled up paper is his favorite toy) by about 6 inches to the right. However, his brain has compensated for his lack of eyesight in one eye and now he gets the mark every time (even if it's your nose).
He's almost healed and will be put up for adoption through a rescue called Beyond Nine in Broward County Florida, who incidentally have also paid for ALL of his medical bills after hearing about the incident.
I am currently fostering him until all of his medical visits are completed, and he was just given the "all clear" on follow ups the other day after about 2 months since the accident.
and the comments:
i love this kitty!
love love love.
if i lived in florida, i'd adopt him. if you could get him to NY , i'd adopt him.
Posted by: leslie | October 14, 2008 at 02:58 AM
Oh man, that is such a sweet story! :)
I'm always happy when people go out of their way to help animals in need. Thank you for sharing this awesome story, Chris and Tova! I'm going to pass it along on Myspace.
Posted by: Griffin | October 14, 2008 at 03:00 AM
I don't think Lucky will have any problem finding a home! Good job people.
Posted by: Jezebel | October 14, 2008 at 05:20 AM
An update to all who want to know...
As the person who found Lucky on the side of the road, I can tell you that his story and the medical issues he overcame go beyond that letter. And in the process, he touched so many hearts.
He went from a homeless, destined for death kitten that most people I spoke to admitted they would not have bothered to pick up, to a full recovery and his 15 minutes of internet fame on CWC AND a contestant in the Cute Down! Wow! There should be a Lifetime movie!
When I found Lucky I was unemployed, could not afford his care, but could not let him be put down. I authorized the care, knowing I couldn't afford it but feeling in my heart that somewhere out there, someone would help me save this little stray.
Within a few days, Beyond Nine Cat Rescue in Broward County, Florida answered my call of financial distress (I emailed every cat rescue in S Florida, and all denied me any assistance due to lack of their own funding with this exception). By the time they contacted me, they had already called Lucky's animal hospital and arranged to fund all of his medical bills, present and future.
I also want to thank them for their visits, for they, like myself, would go to the animal hospital and sit with Lucky for hours on end so he'd have more human contact and companionship as he struggled to recover during the worst of times.
Also, thanks to his vet, Dr. Questa, who spoiled him whenever she was on staff (although she still never baked him that chicken pot pie he requested... But that's another issue on which I will deal with her personally!) ;-)
Kittens are all awesome, I've had cats my entire life. But I have to tell you that Lucky truly, truly has an amazing personality. Maybe he's grateful, but he is one of the most loving, snuggly kittens I've ever known. He loves to give licky kisses and sleep curled up on your pillow. In person, you barely notice the cropped ear (which truly looks worse in photos) because you are overcome by his motorboat purrs and magnetic personality.
Everyone who meets Lucky in person falls in love.
Also, he has some of the most kissable "whisker holders" I've ever encountered!
And yes, he still loves to bat around balled up pieces of paper! Put away the feather on a stick and get this kitty a notebook!
I can't tell you how many tears were shed by my entire family when his medical treatment was completed and, after months of caring for him, it was time for Lucky to be fostered closer to his rescue an hour away.
I am told he is living with a foster family who has other kittens his age that he is able to play with, that he is very happy, and that he sleeps in the bed with their teenager.
If anyone truly is interested in learning more about Lucky or making a donation toward this amazing rescue who helped save his life, or even adoption information, surely you can look up Beyond Nine Cat Rescue in Broward County, Florida on the internet.
Thanks to everyone who cares about this really special little guy. I know CWC is a lot of joking around and often filled with sarcastic comments (which can be pretty funny, by the way), but the fact is, with the exception of a twisted few, we wouldn't be here if we didn't love animals.
Posted by: Tova in Florida | October 14, 2008 at 08:05 AM
Aww people like you Tova make the world a better place! So sweet, I'm surprised you can part with Lucky.
I loved the "aside from being skinny, flea and parasite infested with traumatic head injuries, there was nothing wrong with him". That sounds like saying of Ann Boleyn or someone, "aside from losing their head, they're absolutely fine".
Posted by: Sarah aka KB | October 14, 2008 at 08:12 AM
We had to part with Lucky because, for one, the rescue paid for all of his care it is at their discretion where he is placed.
Also, we have 4 other kittes. 2 older senior cats we've had for 12 years who adore one another, but hated Lucky.
Then two rescues we adopted as kittens at the end of last year who the older cats hate, but they adore each other.
That is, until Lucky showed up.
One of the newer kitties befriended Lucky, but the other was terrified and would even attack our other rescue - her former buddy - and would spend most of her days hissing and hiding... and peeing on my shoes.
When Lucky arrived, it caused so much stress that they were attacking one another and only recently, weeks after Lucky has left, have the younger rescues gotten close, again.
It was definitely difficult to see Lucky go, but we wanted what was best for all of the kitties involved.
Posted by: Tova in Florida | October 14, 2008 at 08:29 AM
Yeah for you! That is wonderful. I think Lucky's story is wonderful, thank you for sharing.
Posted by: Nova | October 14, 2008 at 10:17 AM
I was just informed by the rescue that Lucky was adopted by his foster family that could not give him up. :-) And one CWC reader was kind enough to contact them and offer to make a donation to them on his behalf. :-) How wonderful. Thank you.
Posted by: Tova in Florida | October 14, 2008 at 01:25 PM
What a lucky cat indeed! He is so lucky you were driving by that day! What a story!
Posted by: Cheryl | October 14, 2008 at 10:09 PM
Tova, you are AWESOME!! We totally need more people like you in this world.
Posted by: Sara | October 15, 2008 at 12:13 AM
Tova your a blessing to the animal kingdom, I truly believe that one day you will be rewarded. What you did for Lucky was amazing. Thank you for sharing this story with the cult you know we are all a bunch of softies when it comes to animals. Not just the cute factor, but we love and truly care about animals. They are funny,yes, but they are also gifts from God to be cared for and helped in times of need. Just glad Lucky was so lucky you found him.
Posted by: carrie | October 15, 2008 at 01:28 AM
What's weird is that I am never where I was that day... But here is what happened...
I had a session with a personal trainer at my gym who called me and rescheduled our appointment for later that day.
Then my hubby called and said he locked his keys in his car (meaning I had to drive 30 minutes) to where he worked to unlock his car...
In order to still be able to meet with the trainer, get the keys out of the car and pick up my kids at school on time there was only this little tiny time frame that I had to drive to his work. There was no time to spare. In fact, leaving the parking lot I didn't even wait for my husband, I called on my cell phone "door is unlocked... gotta go!"
And then, just down the road from his office, is where it happened.
So if both had not happened (rescheduling of trainer or keys locked in the car) exactly as they had at the time they had, I would not have been in that city to see that kitten and save it.
I believe that all of these things happened to put me in that very spot at that very time.
Posted by: Tova | October 15, 2008 at 02:02 PM
Labels: Furry Purry Orange Things, Lucky