Memoirs of a Dog Walker

pet sitting 101. it's not as easy as it seems.

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Location: Suburbia, New York, United States

Dog Walking and Pet Sitting and dancing my way thru the day.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Gone Batty

Look what I found on this morning's walk with Puc (the murderous dog)!
He was by the side of the road, trying to crawl to somewhere safe. Luckily, someone had their recycled paper curbside for pick-up, so I grabbed a shoe box, scooted him up, and left him under a bushy tree. He climbed off the cardboard and grabbed onto a tree branch. Yeah, he was probably dying, but at least this nocturnal creature won't die in the sun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is nothing cute about bats. I had one flyig around inside my kitchen last summer at about 4am. I was swatting him with a kitchen towel, it was all very "I Love Lucy". I scooped him and the towel up and threw them both out the window. Found out the next day after much ribbing from my friends (who accused me of being batty) that bats cannot take off in flight if they are on a flat surface, they have to be on an incline. That explains why he was cowering in my hallway. Ugly critters. Hope I never see another one!

9:51 PM  

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