Smartest Dog Ever

More sad news in my life. I just found out that Sammy, the smartest dog I ever met, has cancer. Not much they can do but keep him comfortable.
I used to play with Sammy every workday, for maybe a year, until his human had a baby and the child care worker (Grandma) took over the full time responsibility. From that point on, I was only called in when the humans went away.
Sammy is a great dog! I love him, and I am very saddened by his deteriorating health.
He is a smart dog. Tell him you love him and you get a kiss. Tell him to kiss you, and you get more kisses.
He loves to play ball. He is really good at catching the ball. I always told him that he should try out for the Mets. They need a good catcher like him!
He would bring the ball back and drop it for you to throw it again. Sometimes he'd drop it too far away, and all you'd have to say is "Bring it closer, Sammy," and he would. On occasion I would try to trick him. I had heard it said that it's not WHAT you say, it's HOW you say it. I would experiement and say "Spaghetti and meatballs, Sammy" in the same tone as "Bring it closer, Sammy," but he didn't understand. He didn't understand BECAUSE he understands. He is, and ever will be, THE SMARTEST DOG EVER!
Bless you Sammy, you will be missed. I love you!
Labels: Sammy