Sometimes it's about cats, and sometimes it's about birds. This entry is all about birds.
On Friday, I was walking a set of dogs around their block, and passed a little bird at the edge of the sidewalk. He was injured, with blood on his head. He also appeared to be a baby, but that wasn't any professional opinion. I know very little about birds.
I took my dogs home, got a box, and returned to find the bird. I was not going to leave that bird there, to be frightened to death by every passerby, until death finally overcame him. I had experience trying to save a woodpecker last year. (see that post.) Feeling that the little guy was going to die, I just couldn't let him die there. If there was a chance at life, I wanted to take it.
I took him to the Bird Lady. I cried all the way there, crying for the bird I thought was dying.
That was Friday. Today is Tuesday, and so far, the bird is still alive! The last report was that he was still touch and go, but slowly coming around and gaining strength.
He is a Morning Dove.
Please send him healing thoughts.
Note: Photo posted here is of a morning dove I got from Google.