Little Squirrel, the kids found you in the playground, your hind legs damaged. I made a tone of calls to my animal wildlife connections to see who could take you in and nurse you back to health. But today was a beautiful day, and no one was home.
I put you in a shoebox, and brought you home and moved you into a cat carrier. I gave you water, and I gave you some apple. You had alot of life left in you.
Finally someone got back to me and told me what to do with you. I brought you to the vet, where they would evaluate you, and then release you to the nice lady who would take over until you could be re-released.
You didn't make it.
Your injuries must have been more severe than what I thought.
I hope you were not scared in your final hours, and your passing was peaceful.
I hardly knew you, but I will miss you.